Laura, from Are we nearly there yet mummy..? has tagged me for the photo blogstep challenge.
The rules are: Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures; Pick the 4th picture in that folder; Explain the picture; Tag 4 people to do the same.
I wasn’t sure exactly which folders to choose from because we have been very remiss about filing our photos properly since everything turned digital. Our photo files are more or less the equivalent of the old fashioned method of shoving ones pictures into a drawer.
To be completely fair and accurate, I went way back to the beginning of our family pictures and found this, which is making me very nostalgic because Tizzy turns five next Monday. In this picture he is just three days short of being two months old.

If I were to pull from the photos we have stashed in our i photo library, which only goes back a year, I have this. It’s the photo you’ve probably come to expect of me, but I didn’t think you’d believe I was playing by the rules if I only showed this one. Since these are the boys you’ve come to know, I don’t think an explanation is necessary.
Ashley from Tattooed Dorothy tagged me several weeks ago for a similar challenge, this one involving books.
Here are the rules:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence
4. Post the text of the next 2 to 5 sentences, along with these rules.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual book. Pick the CLOSEST!
6. Tag five other people to do the same!
For some reason the boys love this book, and as a result, keep removing it from the bookshelf.
It was the nearest book I could find and this is what it says:
“Variations in spelling, legitimate or otherwise, are only one of the inscrutable problems computers face in dealing with free-form text. The more broad-reaching problem they encounter is that of distinguishing the appropriate textual context...”
This seems oddly apropos for this challenge.
Most likely to reward me for completing these challenges, I was given this award today by Kim of Parachuting Without a Net.
"The Premio Dardos Award acknowledges the values that every Blogger displays in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values with each message they write. Awards like this have been created with the intention of promoting community among Bloggers. It's a way to show appreciation and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web."
Thank you Kim!
I’m supposed to pass it onto 15 bloggers. I think if I were to pass on all three of these combined, I could pretty much cover all of my readers. So, if you are reading this, and would like a challenge, please let me know you’re doing so in the comments and don’t forget the award for your reward!
I feel a little...confused? HeeHee.
Love the juxtaposition of those two pics. And congrats on the award!
Those boys are adorable. Doesn't five happen far too fast?!
Okay - I know you get more than 15 readers, although clearly most of them are too chicken to comment (at least that's the excuse that I tell myself on my site).
I'll play.
YAY! You did it!
I'm totally doing the photo one...
I love that photo with the strainer on the heads. Hilarious! Reminds me of Little Bear going to the moon.
The boys are so cute! I love the pics.
very cool!
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