Now, the characteristics for the Smile Award are:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude.
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes.
4. Must learn from others.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.
6. Must love life.
7. Must love kids.
There are rules attached... Here are they are:
1. The recipient must link back to the awards creator. (The Babblings Of Mere)
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver. (Thank you Lori!)
I'd like to pass it on to these lovely bloggers who I believe fit the bill.
1) Mary at Owlhaven, who I met while at BlogHer. She is a truly remarkable woman, raising 10 amazing kids, and running house like a pioneer woman. I enjoyed her when I met her, and I'm really enjoying following her life on her blog. Check her out. She doesn't disappoint.
2) Vanessa at Chefdruck. Just look at her picture and you will see why I chose her for this smile award. Her smile is infectious and so are those of her children. I enjoy jumping around her 3 blogs, and reading what she has to say.
3) Maternal Mirth, always leaves me with a smile on my face, and her phenominal baking skills are only one of the many reasons I enjoy hanging out with her. Living in Northern CA, I like to take a trip down south every once and a while and see what's going on in La La Land. If you do too, you should drop on over to her and give her a look-sie.
4) Speaking of the South, I have recently discovered Angela from Sunflower Hill.
Our lives are about as different as could be, (and that's why we blog, to see the similarities amongst our differences) and I love reading about her life in small town Georgia. Come on, how could you not smile living in a sunflower feild!
5) And last but not least, Polly at Lesbian Dad, who I also finally met at BlogHer, after following her blog for some time... we're neighbors of sorts, both being Bay Area Bloggers.
Thanks so much!!
Thanks!!! =)
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